Screen Actors Guild (SAG)

This bulletin outlines several areas where the JPC disagrees with the Union’s interpretation of the 2013 Commercials Contract provisions. The JPC and the Union are working to resolve their differences. In the interim, please notify the JPC by emailing Stacy Marcus at in the event that you receive a claim from the Union regarding any of the issues outlined in the bulletin.
Continue Reading JPC Bulletin re SAG-AFTRA Interpretations of 2013 Commercials Contract Provisions

On Wednesday, July 10, 2013, the ANA-4A’s JPC will be conducting an in-person seminar in Boston to review the new provisions of the SAG-AFTRA 2013-2016 Commercials Contracts. This will be the last in the current series of regional JPC seminars regarding the new provisions. Stacy Marcus, Legal Counsel to the JPC will be leading the discussion. This seminar is open to all industry members and is geared to those industry professionals involved in paying actors under the collective bargaining agreements.
Continue Reading Reminder: Joint Policy Committee Seminar – July 10

On Wednesday, July 10, 2013, the ANA-4A’s JPC will be conducting an in-person seminar in Boston to review the new provisions of the SAG-AFTRA 2013-2016 Commercials Contracts. This will be the last in the current series of regional JPC seminars regarding the new provisions. Stacy Marcus, Legal Counsel to the JPC will be leading the discussion. This seminar is open to all industry members and is geared to those industry professionals involved in paying actors under the collective bargaining agreements.
Continue Reading Joint Policy Committee Seminar Hosted by Talent Partners

New 2013-2016 Compensation Rate Sheets, Tables and other supplemental rate-based materials have been drafted, verified and agreed to by the industry and the union. As a reminder, the effective date for any retroactive payments due to performers for compensation under these contracts as well as implementation of new working conditions and other non-economic provisions is no later than June 30, 2013.

Please use the link below to view these materials.
Continue Reading 2013-2016 Rate Charts for the SAG-AFTRA Commercials Contracts

Join Los Angeles area advertising industry leaders in a seminar to review and explain the many changes to the SAG-AFTRA Agreements.

Doug Wood, Lead Negotiator for the Joint Policy Committee, and Stacy Marcus, Legal Counsel to the Joint Policy Committee, will be leading the discussion.
Continue Reading NEXT WEEK: The Joint Policy Committee Seminar, Hosted by Extreme Reach

Representatives of SAG-AFTRA and the Joint Policy Committee representing the advertising industry have agreed to extend for one week the current Screen Actors Guild Television Recorded Commercials agreement and AFTRA Radio Recorded Commercials agreement. Both contracts were previously set to expire March 31, 2013. Under the extension, the agreements will remain in effect through and including April 7, 2013.

The JPC and SAG-AFTRA began negotiations for successor agreements to the commercials contracts on February 14. Both parties look forward to continued productive negotiations under the mutually agreed upon and previously announced media blackout still in effect.
Continue Reading Joint Policy Committee on Broadcast Talent Union Relations (JPC) and SAG-AFTRA