Online trademark infringement, which includes domain names, websites, online auction platforms and keywords, has seen a significant spike in recent years and presents unique challenges to trademark owners and government authorities around the world. Clark Lackert of our Intellectual Property group discusses how to protect your trademarks in our electronic-driven world in his recent article titled, Counterfeits and Infringements Online – A Global Overview of Liability, published in the World Trademark Review ( by The IP Media Group.
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OBA Report Exposes Bad Behaviour
Earlier this month the ASA published its half-year report into compliance with the new Online Behavioural Advertising (OBA) rules. By way of background, the rules apply to advertisers that collect and use web viewing behavioural data in order to deliver online ads that are more likely to be of interest to a consumer. The rules
Courts ‘Like’-ing Service through Social Media
As social media has increasingly become intertwined with everyday life, it may be taking a couple steps further – this time in the U.S. courts. In recent weeks, we have seen that U.S. legislators and courts are gaining a greater acceptance towards the use of social media sites like Facebook to effect service of process.…
Online Behavioural Advertising Targeted By The Regulator
The Advertising Standard Authority’s remit will shortly cover Online Behavioural Advertising (OBA). The Committee of Advertising Practice (CAP) has extended the CAP Code to cover this increasingly developed form of targeted advertising with a new series of Rules. OBA involves the collaboration of advertising networks and third parties to deliver customised advertising based upon deep…
Google Shows Advertising In a New Light
Google has launched a new advertising format this week which it says will be better at targeting consumers and more cost effective for advertisers. Welcome to Lightbox. Lightbox advertisements initially appear as regular display advertisements within a webpage, but when the user hovers over the advertisement for two seconds, it quickly expands into a super-sized…
Coming Soon: Bet Your Bottom Dollar Online?
Unlike in the United Kingdom, online gambling activities are not permitted in the United States. The regulator has historically held any online gambling activity to be illegal, until now. On December 23, 2011 the US Department of Justice reversed its decade long position on the applicability of the US Wire Act to online gambling that does not involve…