Late last week, a class action lawsuit was filed in California state court against AutoZone. The case was filed pursuant to AutoZone’s rewards program. According to the complaint, AutoZone’s loyalty program provides consumers with a “reward credit” for each purchase they make over $20. After five credits, consumers would allegedly receive a $20 reward, which
Gift Cards
California Gift Card Law – Redemption or Enslavement
By Adam Snukal on
Over the past year, we’ve written on several occasions about various topics related to gift cards. In fact, earlier this month, Adlaw by Request featured a handy grid that originally appeared on our companion blog, Legal Bytes, of the gift card laws across the United States on a state-by-state basis.
A settlement reached in…
Gift Cards: The Chart is Free. It’s Our Experience You Pay For.
By Adam Snukal on
Thanks to our colleague, Joe Rosenbaum, Editor-in-Chief of Legal Bytes, we are happy to provide our Adlaw by Request readers with a uniquely comprehensive survey of the Gift Card laws across the country. As the title suggests, the guide is a good tool but shouldn’t replace your local, advertising attorney.