The Joint Policy Committee, LLC (“JPC”) reached an agreement with the Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (“SAG-AFTRA”) on the 2019 Commercials Contract and Audio Commercials Contract on April 2, 2019. The deal, led by Reed Smith partner and Chief Negotiator, Stacy Marcus, now moves into its next stages and will be

From time to time it’s good to keep in mind specific network guidelines when producing public service announcements.

According to network standards, public service announcements (PSAs) are meant to inform the public of the work of charitable, governmental, and non-profit organizations and other services available to the public. Such announcements must reflect the true nature

Beginning today, October 27, 2017, Producers can take advantage of the new Commercials Low Budget Digital Waiver. SAG-AFTRA and the ANA-4A’s Joint Policy Committee on Broadcast Talent Union Relations (JPC) worked together to negotiate this waiver for low budget digital productions, recognizing the parties’ focus on the growth of digital advertising.

The waiver applies to

To address what it perceives as significant underfunding in its pension plan, the AFTRA Retirement Fund is actively sending information requests to Joint Policy Committee signatories whose contributions have declined over a three year period.  The attached bulletin discusses the Fund’s rationale and efforts, and suggests potential defenses JPC signatories can use in refuting the