Sugarfina Inc. (“Sugarfina”), a high-end candy retailer, recently filed suit against competitor Sweet Pete’s LLC (“Sweet Pete’s”) alleging copyright, trademark, and trade dress infringement of its products and packaging. Sugarfina considers itself a candy retailer known for its unique and luxurious products. The complaint alleges that Sweet Pete’s uses several design elements of Sugarfina’s distinctive
Margaret Lundeen
Athletic Tape Manufacturer Settles False Advertising Litigation for $1.75 Million
By Margaret Lundeen & Jason Gordon on
A class action lawsuit recently settled with KT Health LLC and KT Health Holdings LLC (“KT Health”). The plaintiffs alleged that certain advertising claims regarding KT Health’s KT Tape (kinesiology tape) was false and deceptive.
Specifically, the plaintiffs alleged that KT Health claimed that its KT Tape “can be used for hundreds of common injuries”…