Photo of Douglas J. Wood

The ad industry – and the brands that are its anchors to success – are under attack. Two articles appearing in major publications take publishers, brands and agencies to task on legal issues.

Please see the BuzzFeed article and the New York Times article.

On the other hand, occasionally there is some good news. 

As we’re now less than a year away from the GDPR taking effect, there is a lot of confusion out there over myths versus reality. Reed Smith presenters will participate in a webinar hosted by the Association of National Advertisers (ANA) that will explore the practical considerations and the new thinking that brands and their

Paris Cannes

Next week, the advertising industry gathers in Cannes, France for its annual awards celebration. In addition to the much coveted Lion statuette, countless leaders in the industry will be on hand for networking, speeches, and partying.  And there will be the usual dose of celebrities as well.  Amid all this revelry will be

A year ago today (June 7, 2016), K2 Intelligence released an Association of National Advertisers’ commissioned study entitled, An Independent Study of Media Transparency in the U.S. Advertising Industry.  The painstakingly-researched and detailed report identified numerous non-transparent business practices that were alleged to be pervasive in the U.S. media ad buying ecosystem. Reminiscent of

Industries are increasingly harnessing blockchain technology in new and innovative ways.   Blockchain – a digital record, or ledger, of transactions – has the potential to revolutionize the way in which we conduct business across a variety of sectors, including the advertising industry.  The application of Blockchain technology in the advertising industry is in its nascent

By virtue of the French “Sapin” law of January 29, 1993, France has become one of the most transparency-regulated media markets in the world, and remains so today.

With the new Decree No 2017-159 of February 9, 2017, the protection of advertisers is further strengthened by extending the transparency requirements of the Sapin law to