Does the Communications Decency Act (CDA) provide immunity to a website against allegations that its design and operation enabled a third party to buy a gun, which the third party then used as a murder weapon? In Daniel v. Armslist, the Wisconsin Supreme Court said “yes,” reversed the intermediate court of appeals, and reinstated

Brian Sutherland
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Should the President’s tweets create a “public forum”?
By Brian Sutherland on
You might be aware that the President of the United States has a Twitter account. You might not be aware that each time he uses the account to post information about government business, the President opens a new “public forum” for assembly and debate. According to District Judge Naomi Reice Buchwald’s decision in Knight First…
District judge in the SDNY: Embedding links to third –party web content is copyright infringement
By Brian Sutherland on
What is the legal difference between embedding an image on a website and displaying a copy of the image? News organizations and other website publications have relied on the Ninth Circuit’s opinion in Perfect 10, Inc. v. Inc., which established a bright-line server test for determining whether a website displayed a copy of an…