To stay current on key advertising and marketing law issues and earn valuable CLE, we recommend registering for the ANA Law & Public Policy 1-Day Conference, taking place virtually on September 15, 2020 from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm. If you’re an ANA member client-side marketer, there is no charge for you to attend. If not, the fees are very reasonable. That’s an offer you and your colleagues cannot refuse!
The agenda includes:
- A keynote from FTC Commissioner Noah Joshua Phillips;
- To Produce of Not to Produce – Production concerns post-COVID with Stacy Marcus of Reed Smith LLP & the Joint Policy Committee and Matt Miller of AICP;
- Will Three Times Be the Charm? – A discussion of digital accountability with Keri Bruce of Reed Smith LLP and the meaning of the results in recent programmatic report issues by ISBA and PwC;
- Music to Our Ears – risks in using music on online platforms with Rob Newman of Loeb & Loeb LLP;
- What’s Happening at the ANA with Dan Jaffe;
- An Introduction to the Partnership for Responsible Addressable Media (PRAM) with ANA’s Bill Tucker and Stu Ingis of Venable LLP; and
- A series of 5 minute presentations on key issues with long form videos available on demand from top outside counsel including Amy Mudge, Nikki Bhargava, Hanna Taylor, and Tara Sugiyama Potashnik.
Please click here to view the full agenda and to register.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Dan Jaffe at 646.369.4886 or at, Keri Bruce at 212.549.0220 or at, or Doug Wood at 212.549.0377 or at